Sunday, February 23, 2014

Current Event Blog #4

This article was about using dredge sand to stop erosion on North Carolina beaches. It is telling about the side that does not want the sand. The people who want to add the sand want to also add housing. The land is the home of wild horses but no people. Some consider the land a national park that should not be touched but it is not actually a certified national park. This article gives many reasons that the land should be left alone. They want the sand to instead go to other beaches. This would help protect what is already there.

This article connects to me in two ways. The most obvious is that it is located in North Carolina which is where I live. I also visit the beaches here. The other way that it relates is the erosion part. I am currently taking a earth science class. In this class we are learning about erosion and natural occurrences.  This makes it easier for me to understand what is happening. 

I agree that the beaches should be left alone but should be open for discussion later on. I think that the land should be a verified national park. This would make sure that it is not destroyed. This is a tourist spot and a home to the horses. If this land is destroyed where would they go? I believe that this is more of a community decision. Big companies love to come in and take over if they think they can earn a profit. If they get to add sand and housing then I will be unable to visit these beaches. I think the sand should go to the other places. This will allow nature to have its way but also make the residents happy and keep them safe. 

The author uses numbers to really get her point through. She tells how many horses live on the beaches and  how long its been since people have lived on these beaches. The plan for the beaches in the authors words is "a 20-year Dredge Material Management Plan." I personally would like to know how they could continually bring in sand for 20 years. Another thing that stood out was "It's natural for inlets to expand and contract over time... Shackleford Banks is doing what nature intended it to do." I agree with this. Nature should be left alone to an extant. I was persuaded that the beaches should be left alone and that seems to be the outcome that she wanted. 

Waggoner, Martha. "Feds seek option..." U-T San Diego." The San Diego Union-Tribune, LLC, 18 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. <>.

Frailey, Zach. "Swirling Seas." Photograph. Flickr. Flickr, 4 March 2012. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.<>.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Current Events Blog #3

This article was about the most recent altercation with the police and Justin Bieber. It was talking about whether or not parents should worry so much about who their kids idolize. It talks about talking to your kids instead of just assuming. The article was more on how Justin Bieber affects kids or teens today rather than what actually happened. A thought that came from this was "Maybe...being famous isn't all its cracked up to be."

This does not relate much to specifically what were learning right now but it does relate to our lives. Being irresponsible is something that is common and cause a lot of harm. In the novel I am reading, there is a part about a car crash. The person hit a stop sign and knocked it down. Since she did not report it, another crash happened later on that caused a death. This is not exactly the same thing but you should get the point. If people try to be like Justin Bieber or any other celebrity that is a bad influence, then this world is going to end up being a terrible place.

Personally I don't know what to think about this event. He has had so much bad press and reports lately. I have never been a fan of him or his music. I have heard that the arrest was uncalled for and the report was falsified. If so, then the shame should be on the cops. Either way he doesn't seem too upset and he is already out of jail. If he was racing and doing drugs then the fact that he got away with it is appalling. I agree with Wallace about not parents not worrying about who their kids are idolizing.

The structure of this text refines and supports her claim by giving all the information in an organized way. She said in one part near the beginning, "But instead of fretting over what to say, many parents believe his arrest is a chance to continue the conversation about drinking, drug use and doing either while behind the wheel." A little later, she says, "And I'll go one step further and say they shouldn't judge him." She gave all the information but still stayed unbiased. She thinks that this should not be a big issue and I have to agree. She had quotes from many people that supported both sides. This makes her a good writer because it is easy to believe her. 

"Justin Bieber Mugshot." Photograph. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. <,_front.jpg>.

Wallace, Kelly. "Justin Bieber's downward spiral." CNN Living. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2014. <>.