Friday, October 18, 2013

Bi-Weekly Current Event #3

My topic for This weeks current event is the new update on Vine. They added some new editing tool so you can time travel the video. save drafts, and have an easier way to start sessions.
"How to Get Started With Vine Sessions and Time Travel."
This article is on Mashable.
Park, Annie. "How to Get Started With Vine Sessions and Time Travel." Mashable. Mashable, 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. <>.
In this article it is telling about how to use these new additions and how to access and use them. There are quite a few, new options that help make cooler videos. The article says "Shooting the perfect Vine video just became a little bit easier." I think that perfectly describes it. You can save drafts, shoot move than one video, and change the order of the frames. (Park)
 This information affects me because I love Vine and use it everyday.  It helps me stay in touch with friends from last year and meet new people. I love the funny videos and now they can be even better. I am glad they added these changes and I hope they add more.  They already have so many options but its nice to have a change. I might use it more now that I can save drafts. I did not know about these changes till now so I cant wait to check it out.
This will impact the world because Vine is a social media site. Millions of people use it everyday.  It helps people stay in touch and it is free entertainment. It also helps tell friends or family where you are and what you are doing. Like other social media, it helps people keep in touch but in a different way. There are all kinds of different videos so everybody uses it differently. The changes it made will probably make it even popular.


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